Roblox keycodes. Note keycode keyboard values refer to the physical position of buttons on a standard qwerty keyboard. This means that provided the users system is configured correctly the location of keys such as wasd will remain the same on other keyboard types such as dvorak keyboards where it would map to aoe. Contains a enumkeycodekeycode enum that describes what kind of input was used. For types of input like keyboard this describes what key was pressed.
For inputs like the mouse this provides no additional information. The keycode enum is used by the userinputservice contextactionservice and inputobject classes. It has 254 items. Referenced by contextactionservicebindactivate keycodeforactivation contextactionserviceunbindactivate keycodeforactivation inputobjectkeycode.
Make sure to check back often because well be updating this post whenever theres more codes. Piggy codes active the following is a list of all the different codes and what you get when you put them in. Code piggyplayer50 gives you 50 piggy tokens. This event fires when a key is pressed with the passed argument being the key that was pressed.
Not all keys generate this event. However you can get around this with a few of the keys for example by using the mousekeyup event. Some keys generate the same string as other keys. In order to use the inputbegan event the userinputservice service must be used local userinputservice gamegetserviceuserinputservice a sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input userinputserviceinputbeganconnectfunctioninput gameprocessed if inputuserinputtype enumuserinputtypekeyboard then local keypressed inputkeycode printa.
In order to use the inputbegan event the userinputservice service must be used local userinputservice gamegetserviceuserinputservice a sample function providing multiple usage cases for various types of user input userinputserviceinputbeganconnectfunctioninput gameprocessed if inputuserinputtype enumuserinputtypekeyboard then local keypressed inputkeycode printa. Using your example most people have to confront what an enum is when they start using userinputservice as there is a defined number of valid keys that can be pressed so roblox made an enum for it. Function onkeypressinputobject gameprocessedevent if inputobjectkeycode enumkeycoder then printr was pressed end end gamegetserviceuserinputserviceinputbeganconnectonkeypress basically youd be using the userinputservice and when inputbegan is fired itd run onkeypress and then you would check which key was clicked which.
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